Wednesday, 17 March 2010


We have finally managed to do the filming and it went well. We are able to use the footage to edit and are now on that process.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Roland Barthes

Action- a narrative device by a resolution is produced through action e.g. a shoot out.
Enigma- a narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle, wants to delay storys endings
Symbolic- (connotation)
Semic- (denotation)
Cultural- a narrative device which the audience can recognise as being part of a culture e.g. 'made man' in a gangstar film is part of a media culture.

Tzvetan Todorov

Tzvetan Todorov was a Bulgarian literacy theorist, he suggested that most narratives start with a state of equilibrium in which life is normal. This state of normality is then disrupted by an outside force which has to be fought against in order to retuurn to a state of equilibrium. This model can easily be applied to a wide range of film/tv.

· a state of normality


· Disruption


New equilibrium
· A result of the disruption different to the initial equilibrium (new state of normality)

I applied this theory to Sex and the City the movie:

· Carrie and Big looking for a place to live together, happy. Big proposes to Carrie they plan their wedding day


· Big leaves Carrie on their wedding day and doesn't turn up, they break up


New Equilibrium
· Big and Carrie finally get marries and City Hall


Propp belived in having 8 characater roles: Hero, Villain, The Donor, The Dispatcher, The False Hero, The Helper, The Princess, Her Father.

This is what i got when I applied Star Wars to these rolses:
· Hero- Luke Skywalker
· Villain- Darth Vader
· The Donor- Yoda
· The Dispatcher- Obe One
· The False Hero-
· The Helper- C3PO
· The Princess- Princess Leah
· Her Father-

This is what i got when I applied Hannah Montana the movie to these roles:
· The Hero- Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart
· Villain - Oswold(reporter), The man trying to build over the town
· The Donor- Hannah's publisist, Lily, Bobby Rae(Miley's Dad)
· The Dispatcher- Bobby Rae(Miley's Dad)
· False Hero- Hannah Montana
· Helper- Lily
· Princess- Travis, Crowley Meadows(town)
· Father- Her Grandmother

Claude Levi-Strauss

Claude Levi-Strauss was a social anthrapologist who studied myths of social cultures. He examined how stories unconciously reflect the values, beliefs and myths of a culture. These are usually expressed in the farm of binary oppositions.

For example:

· Good
· Smartly dressed
· Well spoken
· Polite
· Calm

· Bad
· Scruffy
· Common
· Impolite
· Stressed

Harry Potter:

Harry, Ron, Hermione
· Good
· Wear casual clothes/school uniform
· Friendly/polite
· Use magic for good
· Popular for good reasons

Death Eaters
· Bad
· Wear all black
· Rude
· Use magic for bad
· Popular for bad reasons

Friday, 5 March 2010


I've been looking round different copywright free music sites, and i've found some music on soundcloud that would fit well with our film genre; horror.

Here are some tracks from soundcloud that i liked:
Horror Music by gangstersnick

Horror by ChernobylArist

Lurking - Dark Horror Ambience by Joe Griffith

Classic Horror 1 by user8855158

Someone Else's Horror by cbledsoejr

Horror Ambiance by LoudCore

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Our film name

Because of help from our peers, we have decided to call out film 'Blackout' :)

We think this is a catchy name for a horror film because it links to when one of the girls get taken there is a blackout before this happens.

Monday, 22 February 2010

production company

we are thinking of using columbia as our film production company. Researching into horror films i (shellie) found out that they contribute quite a few and would link with the horror genre on ours.

Next try

Well its just been half term, me and jordan planned to film over half term. all sorted all planned and once again we get let down. :( we are done for. we are going to try an import the draft back on the macs and edit that. do what we can. Really set us back and upset us both. hopefully things will pick up.

What is the difference between a film trailer and a film opening?

We had a class discusion about the differences between film openings and trailers and these are the differneces we found;

• Enigma codes.
• Establishing shot for the settings.
• Action shot – character in role doing things.
• Variety of shots.
• Titles- imaginative and creative.
• Music- does it fit its genre
• Music- does it fit the mood.

• Provides a summary of plot – plot outline.
• Character roles.
• Short, varied clips- from the entire film.
• Clear idea of equilibrium/disequilibrium/new equilibrium.
• Music sells the film- Gives excitement.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Prelim 1

This is the prelim we worked on using photoshop, we did do a contents page but we had technical problems so only the front cover saved.


Me and jordan have decided we are planning to refilm on the 19th of feb as our first lot of just seemed to go wrong. we also lost half of it as we imported it into the macs. :( We feel to edit it would be a waste of time insted we have desided to replan and make our shot list more creative.

because of our horror genre we feel we need to have abstract camera angles and be more creative.

we are going to make sure that we have our production company, institution, and music is all planned and ready so we can do solid editing when we get back from half term.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Our production company logo thingy

Me and Shellie have decided to call our production company 'Shellbear' because it is a cross between Shellie's first name and my last name :)

This is our logo...


We filmed over the weekend and it went so wrong, so we're gonna have to film it ALL OVER AGAIN.....


Friday, 5 February 2010


The first shot is a black screen, the sound over the top are siren noises froma crime scene. To end this shot there is one flash of white light to then move on to the next shot. The second shot, is a shot of a house in the middle of nowhere- slowly zooming in. This is an establishing shot to show where the scene is set. The sounds over the top of this shot are birds. When the camera zooms in and the hosue fills the whole shot, it quickly flicks to the next shot.

This shot is a close up of a T.V screen changing channel- through music channels, camera slowly zooms out. A title will fade in and out over this shot saying 'earlier that night'. The sounds over this shot is dialogue by the two main characters. A long shot of two girls sitting on a sofa in a living room having a conversation. camera slowly zooms in- phone rings- next shot.

The two girls walk towards the phone scared- as the camera pans round following them out the room, there is a figure outside the window. Camera faces the back of girls and they walk away from the camera. Close up of the phone ringing, girls hand picks it up- camera then follows the hand to the face. Girl speaks.

Girl answers phone and lights suddenly go off. Lights flicker back on- girls speak.

Lights turn off. Lights turn back on, there is as figure in the background.

Lights turn off. Lights turn on, figure is closer.

Lights turn off. Lights turn on, figure is closer.

Lights turn off. Lights turn on, figure is grabbing on of the girls.

Lights turn off. Lights turn back on, one girl is missing- girl screams. (title comes up)

Lights flash back on and one girl is missing, the title of the film then flashes up for the end of the opening.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


We can't think of a name for our film... we're finding it really hard to be creative and think of something original, so please follow us and give some ideas :)

Monday, 1 February 2010


JORDANS BACK :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay. we can finaly do something.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Monday 25th.

Well jordan was off today and is planning to be for the rest of the week because she is ill :( so its thrown me off abit as i cant really film on my own but hey i can try :). Today i did the script for the film, think we may have to makes some change when filming, it doesnt really flow aswell as i wanted it too. It seems to much like its planned and not just a conversation.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Movie openings

This film scared me (Jordan) more than any film ever has! I couldn't find the opening scene on youtube so i put the trailer up.

The trailer is effective because it doesn't givemuch away, and with a film like 'The Grudge' you can't give too much away in the trailer because it ruins the film because it is a thriller so it has twists and jumpy bits.

The opening scene of this film is a man in bed with a girl and he gets out of bed and jumps off his balcony and kills himself, with no dialogue, this is an effective opening because it grabs the audiences attention straight away; why did he do it? etc.

'The ring' movie opening

The Ring

The two girls in the opening scene are represented as two normal teenage schoolgirls, as they are having a sleepover and trading secrets. They start to gossip about a 'video tape' saying that after you watch it, the phone rings and says 'you're gonna die in seven days'. They then become really paranoid about it.

The first camera shot we see is a big house in the middle of the night because it is pitch black and raining outside. The 'big house in the middle of the night' is a generic convention on the horror genre. Straight away in draws the audience in becasuse we wonder who is inside the house and what part in the film it plays. The camera angle starts of zoomed to allow the seeting to be scene, then it slowly zooms in as they have a conversation. The shot then switches to the stairs and the camera stays still and when they walk down the stairs you see their feet up to their facial expressions. The camera then swithes to a close up of the phone and then a mid-shot of the girls looking at the phone in horror. When one girl is in the kitchen and hears a noise she freezes up and the camera zooms in on her face to show how scared she is. The camera then pans round the corner and looks in the lounge as if its a point-of-view shot from the girl because she is looking round.

The Mise-en-scene is a bedroom, we see that it is probably a teenagers room- belonging to one of the girls- because it's messy and cluttered. The pillow on the bed have clothes on (not folded up) and on the floor there are school books and clothes. The inside of the house is very plain and tidy, this is used so there is a lot room for the girls to feel scared because the house is so big and empty.

The sound in the opening scene is very quiet with the noise of the rain outside in the background, when the girls go downstairs the rain becomes quieter so the scene becomes more sinister. Then when the T.V is on the sound of it is really loud and over-powering, after the T.V gets turned off for the second time she hears a wind-like sound behind her (another typical generic convention of the horror genre). When the fridge door opens a scary music starts to play really lightly in the background and this continues as she goes up the stairs and becomes louder when she gets upstairs and in the room, this is used to build tension.

I like the establishing shot at the very start of this scene, when you see hte house in the dark, in the rain because automatically the audience know it is a horror because it is a typical generic convention of the genre.

The close-up on facial expressions are very effective because they establish the characters feelings and let you focus on that.

Previous A level work

As a class, we had to watch 2 examples of movie openings from previous year 12's. This gave us idea's for our blogs and film openings.

The first opening we watched has quick editing and flickering titles, this fitted the genre of a horror film. It also had really effective music that helped build tension and also fitted the genre.

The second opening we watched had a wide variety of camera shots from different angles, this made the opening more complex and interesting. It also helps the characters build up.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Camera Shots.

Yesterday (18.1.10) we tried to start doing some test shots but we found it difficult so we desided we would write a shot list so we had a plan of what to do. The shots we believe we need are;
Long shot zooming in on object, slowly.
Close up on t.v zooming out.
long shot zoom in to mid shot.
(as phone rings) panning shot round past window.
Mid shot to long shot as girls walk away from camera.
Close up on ringing phone.
Close up of girls face.
Long shots as lights flicker on and off. x5

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Pictures for inspiration

All pictures used on this moodboard are used for inspiration from films we have seen...

We like the way that masks are used to cover the identity of the villain so it keeps the audience hooked and makes them watch on to find the idenity out.

The two pictures of 'The Grudge' and 'Poltergeist' are used because we likethe way the camera angle allows you to see someone getting grabbed from behind because the person getting grabbed can't see them so we also get to see their facial expressions.

When filming, we like the idea of filming at a big house in the middle of nowhere to create suspense. And also because it is a typical generic convention of the horror genre.

The picture of the girl from 'The Exorcist' is on our mood board because we like the make-up and effects they have used on her face throughout the film to show that her posession is getting worse. Obviously we won't be able to get make-up and effects like that but we have it for inspiration.

We like the picture from 'The Strangers' because the man is looking for someone or something and that persin or thing is sneaking up behind him, we are going to use a smilar thing is our film opening.

A shadow or disfigured figure is used a lot in horror film to create tension becaus eyou don't know who or what it is. Like in 'Paranormal Activity' we are going to use this.

Our Pitch


Hi guys :)
This is Shellie and Jordan's joint blog for our Media prodject. We desided that we where going to do a film seeing as we couldnt really use photoshop. :) We will update this at every possible chance we have. Hope you enjoy keeping track of our film :D